Certified Las Vegas Tour Guide Training Program

The LVTGG Certified Professional Las Vegas Tour Guide Training Program (CPTG) is open for registration!

We are pleased to announce that the CPTG program can be started at any time as there are very limited date-specific meetings, which will be scheduled throughout the year based on demand. Participants will receive access to program documents and details on a self-contained section of the guild website.

The LVTGG promotes professionalism in the Las Vegas guide and tourism industry, and it is part of our mission that Las Vegas guides demonstrate accurate knowledge and fluency on local and regional topics. The CPTG program is designed to build and test the knowledge and skills a Professional Las Vegas Guide must have, and completing the training is a key component of attaining certification by the guild as a Certified Professional Las Vegas Tour Guide.

For more information about the LVTGG training and certification programs, visit our CPTG page.

The cost of the CPTG training is $75 and it is open only to LVTGG Members. Current Members can register for the program when renewing their membership via the Renewal Application or, if they have already paid their current-year dues, by a stand-alone CPTG registration form. New Members can join the guild and register for the CPTG training using the New Member Application. Registration and payment of Dues and CPTG fees can be completed online via the respective forms here.

For specific questions not answered on the CPTG page, please Contact Us.

SPECIAL OFFER: Through January 2020, New Members who join the guild and register for the CPTG Program at the same time will receive a discount of $15 off the standard New Member dues.

InterpNEWS Magazine – Jan 2016 Issue

We would like to make our members aware of the International Heritage Interpretation Training Center & Magazine. Many LVTGG Members will find this interpretive organization and their publication interesting and worthwhile of your time. If you would like to subscribe to their magazine, see the instructions immediately below. All the following information is from them, and any requests for information about them or their programs should be directed to them and not the LVTGG:


InterpNEWS (IN), the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine is published online and via email six times a year. IN is the most widely read of any interpretive publication, reaching over 155,000 interpreters, agencies and organizations in 38 countries.  IN is sent FREE as a service to the interpretive profession.  Check it out here:  http://www.heritageinterp.com/interpnews.html  If you would like to receive each issue as it’s published, just send your e-mail address to: jvainterp@aol.com  Also, they are always looking for articles on creative interpretive programs and services or interpretive research projects.


The Jan/Feb 2016 issue has just been published and you can read or download it here, or read it and past issues online at https://issuu.com/interpnews or http://www.heritageinterp.com/interpnews.html.

In This Issue:                                                                                                                                 

Experience and Outcome Based Interpretive Planning – Mass Customization,

Markets of One and more.. John Veverka

– Interpretive Tip: A Road Trip with a Junior Ranger J. Patrick Barry                                   

Avoid The Awkward Close Speaking Tip 104 – Ethan Rotman                                                                            

Interpretive Training Course in Nada, Lithuania with Focus on the Curonian Spit –

  Trans-boundary World Heritage Site, Lithuania.  J. Veverka                                                               

“Let’s Celebrate Robert Burns Birthday” Dr. Martha Benn Macdonald                                             

Guides Association of New York City.                                                                                              

– Interpretation in Malta – Bringing 7000 years of history to life. J. Veverka                                                     

 – From historians to artists, Oakland County Parks discovers talents of its

    1,000+ volunteers. Julee Erskine,                                                                                         

Volunteerability at Eureka! The National Children’s Museum, UK  Trizia Wells                              


NEW – This current issue and past 2015 Issues of InterpNEWS are now available to be read on-line at:




The Heritage Interpretation Training Center currently has several course openings due to participants completing each course. These include:

Planning/Designing Interpretive Panels e-LIVE Course – 10 Units awarding 1.5 CEU Credits $125.00

Interpretive Writing e-LIVE Course – 8 Units and 2 CEU Credits $200.00

Training for Interpretive Trainers e-LIVE Course – 11 Units and 2 CEU Credits. $200.00

The Interpretive Exhibit Planners Tool Box e-LIVE course – 11 Units and 2 CEU Credits. $200.00

Interpretive Master Planning – e-LIVE. 13 Units, 3 CEU Credits. $275.00 http://www.heritageinterp.com/interpretive_master_planning_course.html


Our Course Catalog for our current 17 interpretive courses: http://www.heritageinterp.com/interpretive_training_center_course_catalogue_.html

For details on each e-LIVE course and course content you can check out the web page for each courses.  Courses can be started at any time and you can complete the course at your own pace.


NEW Courses in the Planning Stage:

We currently have several new courses that we plan to have available by late autumn.  If you have an interest in any these let us know and we will add you to that courses mailing list:

 Developing Interpretive Plans for Historic Homes and Gardens. (Specifically designed for small to medium historic homes/gardens with small staffs and smaller budgets, but who need an interpretive plan for writing grants, related fund-raising and for their long-term development of interpretive programs and experiences).

– An introduction to developing living history characters and personalities & delivery of living history programs/experiences. This course is being developed for the HITC and offered by Rich Pawing of History Alive. http://www.richpawling.info/WordPress/

– Interpretive Master Planning for Botanical Gardens. Having done interpretive plans for many botanical gardens, we know some of their challenges and issues, from seasonal interpretation to incorporating art into their garden experiences.  Focusing on one main interpretive theme is always a challenge, but this course helps you provoke, relate and reveal your stories in magical ways that “grow on you”.

– Developing interpretive tours and programs – a guide for museum docents and volunteers. (This is a new course designed especially for docents and volunteers and offered at a greatly reduced tuition as a thank-you for their volunteer services).

These will expand the Heritage Interpretation Training Center course offerings to 21 college level interpretive training courses by November, 2015.  More courses are planned for 2016 as well.

All Heritage Interpretive Training Center courses can also be offered as live workshops/courses presented at your site or for your organization.  Costs: $800.00/day of training plus travel costs.  Ask for details.



Heritage Interpretation Training Center to provide courses for Museum Study LLC

Museum Study – is an organization whose mission is to help staff in small to medium museums and heritage sites build a better cultural institution and be a stronger member of the team that carries out the mission of their institution. To accomplish this, Museum Study provides online professional development training courses on a broad range of topics important to running a cultural institution.

JVA/Heritage Interpretation Training Center is pleased to be working with Museum Study to offer several 4-week long training courses in Heritage Interpretation, the first course being “An Introduction To Heritage Interpretation” that will be presented in November, 2015.  You can learn more about Museum Studies diversity  of Museum Management and Curation courses at their web site:  http://www.museumstudy.com/.  

HITC interpretive courses planned for 2016 include “Interpretive Writing” and “Planning Truly Interpretive Exhibits”.  Details on the Introduction to Heritage Interpretation course and other courses:  http://www.museumstudy.com/courses/course-list/.


College Credit for Heritage Interpretation Training Center Courses ?

We are currently talking with several universities in the US and in the UK to have some of our courses made available to their heritage studies/interpretation students for actual college credit.

Several of our courses are currently being used by Newcastle University in the UK as part of their distance learning program – a MS in Heritage Management degree program.

More details to come.


New JVA Interpretation Text Books From MuseumsETC.


Our text book set on Interpretive Master Planning has been revised and updated into one new very large book.  If you do interpretive planning or teach interpretation, this is a reference based on actually “doing” interpretive planning and training for 40 years.  Check it out here:


The Interpretive Trails Book – This is our new book on planning and design of interpretive trails and related trail furniture and interpretive media.  Find out more about this book here:

http://www.museumsetc.com/collections/interpretation/products/the-interpretive-trails-book  It is based on 40 years of planning/designing self-guiding interpretive trails and related trail interpretive media as part of interpretive master planning projects.  This is used as the main text book for our “Planning/Designing Self-Guiding Interpretive Trails” course: http://www.heritageinterp.com/interpretive_trails_course.html.


Would love to chat with you about interpretation

Prof. John Veverka (John)

Director/Interpretive Coach

Heritage Interpretation Training Center


SKYPE: jvainterp


Again, for more information about their organization, see their website at http://www.heritageinterp.com

The link for the Heritage Interpretation Training Center:


The Link for InterpNEWS – the International Heritage Interpretation e-Magazine:
