Looking For a Tour Guide?
Look no further. The Las Vegas Tourist Guides Guild is your one stop shop for the most experienced, reputable and professional tour guides in the Las Vegas area.
Who We Are
The Las Vegas Tourist Guides Guild is a membership organization of tour professionals and members of the travel and tour industry who live and work in the Las Vegas area.
Guild Members are dedicated to promoting the integrity of our profession. We strive to improve the local tour industry and ensure quality service for our clients and customers.
The Las Vegas Tourist Guides Guild advocates for the advancement of tourism and the tour guide profession. We also provide a liaison between tour guides and employers.
The Las Vegas Tourist Guides Guild is a member of the National Federation of Tour Guide Associations (NFTGA).
Ready to Hire The Best Tour Guide in Las Vegas?? Click Here
Guild Membership is open to Tour Guides, Tour Directors, Docents and those businesses who support our industry.