I am a CPTG

All of us who lead or wish to lead tours in and around Las Vegas have our own Las Vegas story. These experiences, combined with our personal interests, education, and skills, provide us each with a foundation to guide and interpret in Las Vegas and the region.

That said, most of us may be strong in some areas and not-as-strong in others. For example, maybe you know all the current hotels, but aren’t very clear on the properties that came before them. Or, you know a lot about the human history of Las Vegas, but not as much about the natural history. Also, maybe you’ve been a guide elsewhere for many years, and have solid tour guide and communication skills, or maybe you have little to no guiding experience and might even be a little shy. (These are things you can learn and learn to overcome!)

Certified Professional Las Vegas Guides (CPTG) have a depth of knowledge about a wide range of natural and human history. We have that depth because we’ve studied, we explore, we’re terminally curious, and we never stop learning. No one will ever “know it all,” but a CPTG will either know the answer or will know they don’t know it and respond accordingly (admit it, say what you know, find the info, learn it).

CPTG aren’t just full of it (haha, knowledge, that is), but they’re also Professional. Professional Guides, that is. They know how to prepare; how to craft experiences and tours; interpret a place and create meaningful moments; how to look; where to be and where to go; how to communicate with tour companies, DMC’s, other guides, vendors, and of course, a wide variety of tour members; how to get from A to Z; how to solve problems on-the-fly, how to have fun, and so much more.

So, get cracking ~ start where you are (know who/where you are), use what you have (study the resources!), and do what you can (be amazing!)

Before you know it, you’ll be a CPTG, too!